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What is reward chest?
Reward Chest is a box of daily reward for You in some random amount of gp or Soul Jail stone. You can use it once in 24h.
You will get it with first items or You can obtain it from Thais temple NPC Quentin. Just ask him for "reward chest"
Equipment upgrade
There are 3 kind of stones for armor, weapon and shield upgrade. You can use them to upgrade Your equipment, but there is a big chance to lose item while failed. Those are droped randomly by monsters or You can buy it from Sam in Thais or Obi on Rookgaard (cost 1000gp each).
Shared experience
When You join to party with friends, the party leader can use command !share to enable shared experience session. The level of the lowest character in the party must be at least 2/3 the level of the highest character in the party.
Thais Boss'es
Going from Thais to north, You will find a old temple with teleports to bosses. You can enter each teleport once for 24h. After killing a boss You will be teleported to treasure room. You got 10sec to get reward from chest. It will be 3 random items.
Soul Jail stones
Stones with enchanted souls of terrible monsters and are used to summon them on special outars. There are 3 places on the map where they can be found (the magic shop in Carlin, the king's cellars in Thais and the magic towers in Edron). Can be obtained from daily reward chest too.
Runes can be bought in shop in game, also will buy runes made by You. Runes made by player got 2x charges (UH,HMM,GFB,SD,EXPLO)
NPC Grizzly Adams is at right from Thais Depot - in Town Library. He will give You a tasks! Command to see how mych left is !tasks
Horned helmet
You need to get 100 demon horns from hunting a demons, dark helmet and 50cc. Go to Sweaty Cyclops in Ab and ask him for "dark helmet" and then for "demon horn".
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