Server info
Server Info:
IP: (Port: 7171)
Client: 7.4
Server save: 10:00
Common save: every 20min
Online: 24/7
World type: PVP
Premium: free from start
House rent: weekly
IP: (Port: 7171)
Client: 7.4
Server save: 10:00
Common save: every 20min
Online: 24/7
World type: PVP
Premium: free from start
House rent: weekly
Exp Rate: stages
Magic Level: x10
Skills: x15
Loot: x5
Spawn: x1
Spells: known from start
Guilds: from 8 level
Exp Rate: stages
Magic Level: x10
Skills: x15
Loot: x5
Spawn: x1
Spells: known from start
Guilds: from 8 level
passive monsters - simulation of PVP players
working spellbook with mlvl spells
hp / mana regen as in 7.4
spells price / mana cos / req mlvl as in 7.4
house auction via website
working questlog
bank system (to use with house auction)
passive monsters - simulation of PVP players
working spellbook with mlvl spells
hp / mana regen as in 7.4
spells price / mana cos / req mlvl as in 7.4
house auction via website
working questlog
bank system (to use with house auction)
level 1 - 8 x20
level 9 - 20 x25
level 21 - 50 x20
level 51 - 100 x15
level 101 - 150 x10
level 151 - 200 x5
level 201.. and more x2
level 1 - 8 x20
level 9 - 20 x25
level 21 - 50 x20
level 51 - 100 x15
level 101 - 150 x10
level 151 - 200 x5
level 201.. and more x2
- death penalty formula is set to 10%
- premium players got more light
- berserk (exori) true formula (Mana = Level x 4)
- working questlog
- house auction via website
- working ban web page
- hp / mana regen increased
- spells for mlvl not lvl as in 7.4
- spells price / mana cos / req mlvl as in 7.4
- working spellbook with mlvl spells
- premium players got more light
- berserk (exori) true formula (Mana = Level x 4)
- working questlog
- house auction via website
- working ban web page
- hp / mana regen increased
- spells for mlvl not lvl as in 7.4
- spells price / mana cos / req mlvl as in 7.4
- working spellbook with mlvl spells
7.4 standard
- spears falling to the ground
- working spellbook with mlvl spells
- no worm on fishing rod
- no wands
- no rods
- no port hope / tiquanda
- no poi etc.
- 0 level ships (without PZ)
- no hotkeys (for runes)
- spears falling to the ground
- working spellbook with mlvl spells
- no worm on fishing rod
- no wands
- no rods
- no port hope / tiquanda
- no poi etc.
- 0 level ships (without PZ)
- no hotkeys (for runes)